Interface Consulting Sponsors State Bar of Texas Annual Construction Law Conference

Interface Consulting International, Inc., is proud to support the 37th Annual Construction Law Conference as a Developer Sponsor and Golf Tournament Hole Contest Sponsor. The conference is jointly sponsored by The Construction Law Foundation of Texas and The Construction Law Section of the State Bar of Texas and will take place March 7-8, 2024, at La Cantera Resort & Spa in San Antonio, Texas. Chris Sullivan, Lisa Heard, Dennis Jasinski, and Michael Gunter will be attending on behalf of Interface. As a Developer Sponsor, Interface will co-host the reception on March 7.
The activities kick off on March 6 with a golf tournament, where Interface will sponsor the closest-to-the-pin contest and provide team photographs. Dennis Jasinski and Michael Gunter will participate in the golf tournament, while Lisa Heard and Karen Matthews will oversee the contest.
This year’s presentations will cover topics such as equitable adjustments and claims, the use of experts, enforcing arbitration agreements, and procurement in a post-pandemic era, to name a few. The Foundation will also honor Hollye C. Fisk with the Pioneer Award in recognition of his contributions to the practice of construction law.
Click here for more information.